Tag Archives: acrylic inks

Life Book 2016 Weeks 14 and 15

Week 14 – Our Lady of Compassion with Shilo Sophia

Retitled:  Compassion Personified

Shilo Sophia is a beautiful person on the outside as well as the inside.  She is part of the Contemporary Symbolist Movement.

She puts her heart and soul into every painting she creates and does it all with deep spirituality.  She is also a wonderful poetess.

I am a deeply spiritual person also, but I  follow the Bible’s teachings of worshipping only one God.  therefore, I followed the way she painted, but not her form of spirituality

I was having problems with the video stopping, and going, and getting no voice, so I just clicked on the progression bar and followed her technique.

I didn’t take more time than I needed because I wanted to finish it up quickly, but I think I will be taking one of her free class just to see what I missed in the Life Book class.  I’m sure there will be lots of techniques I can use for future projects.   She really made it very simple to follow along and this is what I created at the end.

There were four words that I added on each corner, Patience, Joy, Tenderness and Compassion.  I only used three colors, but I really like how everything just worked together.

I call this piece – Compassion Personified


Week 15 – The Ripple Effect – Your Story Matters with Tamara Laporte

Tam wrote:  “This week’s theme is all about getting in touch with the interconnectedness of us all and how each and every one of us matters in this world. We will symbolically represent this theme in the form of a drop of water falling into a larger body of water, making ripples.”

I really liked this theme, because I find it so true.  Everything we do in our lives for someone has repercussions – good or bad.

She taught a shaving cream marbling technique that I’ve been wanted to try, but never had a occassion to use.

I just had to go to the new Hobby Lobby near my house (ahem) to buy some Daler-Rowney FW Acrylic Water-Resistant Artist Inks to use on this project.  They are aaaaamazing!!

I used smaller watercolor paper for this project because I didn’t think I had a big enough container to spray the shaving cream on, so I used an 11 x 8 1/2 paper.

We were to write in the ripples of the water something we did at one time in our lives that had a rippling effect on someone else’s life.


The closeup of the marbling effect – so much fun!!

Although I used a little too dark paint on top, you can still she some of the marbling.


This is a closeup of the water drop that looks a lot like a person, but I forgot to draw a small heart on the “body”.  I will when I go up to my dungeon, err, my craft room!


I was having trouble looking at the picture in the PDF that I downloaded, so I went looking for one on Google.  There were so many different ripple effect pictures I could choose from, but I fell in love with this one:


It came with a quote which I thought was perfect:  “When you truly love life and people, you start a ripple effect that changes the life of another, who in turn changes the life of another…”    I’m sure it was computer generated, but nevertheless, I downloaded the picture and tried to paint it as close as possible.

I wrote the quote on the ripples coming from the heart splash.


There was not much marbling on this background, but I think it makes a good contrast with the rest of the project.


There you have it, my friends.  Looking forward to another week.

Thank you for stopping by and please leave me some love in the form of a comment.
